Friday, November 5, 2010


I am a little ashamed to look back and my posts and see that I never gave an update on my growing plant collection. That is because all but one of them has died. Some would argue that the final one is dead too but I would not agree. In truth, plants have been and gone since that pic was taken. At the moment I have a bright pink fuschia and some chilli seeds (which are DEFINITELY dead) growing in our kitchen. When I was talking about my lack of success in work one day (with flowers that is) one of my colleagues Roberta decided to buy me a plant that is unkillable. She bought three crosuses (croci?) which have to be kept in a dark area for 12 weeks before being brought out into the light.
Although we have a watering schedule, there seems to be a little ambiguity surrounding the level of water required and what way the bulb should be put in correctly. Some members of the team have entirely immersed their bulbs in water, while others are only putting the tip of the bulb in water. Who is right? I don't know. The bulbs have also been taken into the light at least once a week, though I can't see any other way of watering them. If you have any crocus tips please let me know, for an unfallible plant there seems to be a lot of complications.

1 comment:

  1. My crocus seems to be doing quite well and has little roots coming out the side (probably where I've immersed it in water). And there's massive bit coming out what I thought was the bottom, I have now turned it around as I think it might be the actual crocus starting to sprout :-). Still not sure about whether any of us are growing them right...but let's wait and see!
