Monday, November 1, 2010

These are the people in my neighbourhood

My sister is moving house in London so I have taken to looking in every rental agent's window that I come across. Because of this, I have only lately noticed this gem, which is sitting in the top left hand corner of the shop front 3 doors down from my house. It's so far out of sight that it was difficult to get a good pic of it, but if you can't read it, it reads as follows:

"We are very sorry to hear the Grievance of the Landlords and tenants caused by the previous Occupants of 493 Cambrideg heath road, London E2 9BU.

We Room corner estate agents does not have any connections or association with any of the previous occupants.

We have informed the Metropolitan police about the threats made to our staffs. We will prosecute any abusive behaviour and violence towards our business."

I have a number of things to say about this:

1. What the hell did the previous tenants do?

2. Who do they think is going to read this sign, as I say, I struggled to read it and I was LOOKING for it

3. Do they honestly think that this sign will act as a deterent for anyone that wants to air their grievance? I sincerely doubt it.

I asked the only person that could possibly know - my finger-on-the-pulse landlord. Even he didn't know who was there before this tenant. I don't like to make empty promises... but I'm going to do my best to find out what went down.

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